Please complete Technology Inventory before you drop off anything to the IT office.
Enter your Employee ID number to look up what technology you have in your classroom. Note: You may or may not have some of the items. Use the edit pencil button to the right of each item to fill out information about the technology.
When you click the edit pencil button you will select a Status to indicate if the item is Packed away in the classroom or Turned In if you are turning in the item. If you are planning to take the item to your new building, please indicate Taking with me. Please note that not all items can be taken with you. Please indicate if the item is Missing if you are unable to locate the item. If you do not have the item, select I do not have this item. Finally, select a number for QTY to indicate how many you have for each item and click the Update button when finished.
What can I take with me?
What can I leave in the classroom?
What can I turn in to the IT Office?
I have other small technology items in my classroom.